It is only thanks to the munificent and reliable support of friends like you — from every part of India and from around the globe — that we can look back on a productive year. Every company has its own set of challenges and no one can disagree with that during the past year.
We recognize the vast prospective of the ceramic industry in India and we are focused on maintaining a foremost position as a manufacturer of ceramic tiles in India. Our 12 years of practice in this business translate into a deep understanding of the industry dynamics and potential and reinforce our self-reliance in our upcoming success.
We have experienced a phase of unexpected growth in the past twelve years. Our sales in the India have increased from less than one billion square meter in 1999 to about 8.3 billion in 2011-an enhance of over 730%.
Factories based in the Morbi have a benefit of low energy costs, access to expertise and closeness to markets. This proximity enables the India based suppliers to rapidly counter to the market needs. It is my guess that there will be new, well-organized, and cost-competitive factories built by us in the India in the next few years. These will be world class plants and will compete on every basis: quality, design, service, and cost. Our new factory in Morbi is one such example. Its newly installed kiln, for example, can produce two times the output with less consumption and labour than kilns installed a mere 5 years ago.
But there are challenges. The past and predicted expansion of the industry along with the new channel of distribution being developed requires that those of us in the ceramic industry invest in ourselves. We need to educate our employees and ourselves and to keep current on expertises and trends. To stay undeveloped is to fall behind. I urge all of you to stay involved with our associations, support and attend educational opportunities from all sources, and attend trade show, such as Cevisama – Spain. Through these mediums we will all help to grow our industry and to achieve our profit goals.
As head of the Company, I take pride in what we have achieved together through the year 2011, as much as in what each and every one of you have demonstrated and become. I thank all our customers for your fortitude and understanding. As the New Year is drawing near, on behalf of the Company I would sincerely extend my gratitude and give my best regards to all of you and your families.
On behalf of the board and management of Shreeji Ceramic, I wish you all a safe and fulfilled 2012.
Haribhai Patel
(Head of Shreeji Group)